Sunday 2 October 2011

Running and the angel weekend...

I have pictures today... Here's my slow progress on LK's Halloween Rules. It gets some stitches added when I have time to sit in my chair... Maybe later today...
I am scheduled to run 10 miles today and I am tired... I am so tired I don't want to do it BUT I will as I really want to do well in Disney and you have to put the time in. I'm going to do it while watching the latest Transfers movie as I am hoping it will go faster. 
Here's PS's Sweeping Cobwebs - I am really hoping to have this finished before we go to the cabin on the 13th. It's close just a few more words and a big moon and witch - oh and the border. I guess I know what this week looks like for me lol.

The CABIN!!!!!
The Angel's are off to the cabin on the 13th  for some fabulous RnR, solve the world's issues, drink some pumpkin martinis (rumtinis for Pam) drink some wine and stitch,stitch and stitch some more... We go every year and it is lovely and peaceful. We have no rules, we drink, eat and just have fun. The women I go on this annual event are my closest friends. They put up with me and I am truly blessed to know each of them. I have purchased my qsnaps and have started packing what I like to call the box of extras - this usually contains chocolate, candy,magazines, napkins and general stuff that makes me  happy.  As for stitching projects I need to narrow down my basket so I actually accomplish something. I am definitely taking Quaker Christmas (as the qsnaps have been purchased and I have all the threads and the fabric is ready. I am also bringing my set of SamSarah stocking - again the qsnaps are ready etc. The fabric is large enough after a day of stitching is lovely on the eyes :0). I have to put the buttons on BC's Deck the Halls and then it is finished- it was a "work on only at the cabin project" and will be finished this year so I believe my next woatcp will be Jingle by Plum Street. It's cute and one that will be fun to continue the tradition. 

Ok my running shoes are calling me and the sooner I get this done the better.

Until next time,


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